Marco Antonio Cortez

Marco Antonio CortezMarco Antonio Cortez was the official illustrator and Art Coordinator of the Ayrton Senna Institute property named Senninha e sua Turma. He participated in the production of animated short films and features, including: "GUMMI BEARS", "ALADDIN" (bothfrom Disney-HGN) and "O GRILO FELIZ", a feature film from Start Anima. In 1998, he set up a studio where he started to produce illustrations, comics, and animations for the editorial and advertising market. He has worked on a variety of books, such as Sitio do Picapau Amarelo for Editora Globo, Moranguinho at American Greetings, Nosso Amiguinho, and lots of other important publishers of didactic and children's books in Brazil. He did a comic story that was released at "Tickets", a book that was the winner of the 34th Angelo Agostini Trophy as best independent comic release in 2018 and nominated for the HQMIX award in that same category. He also did two comics for the album Histórias Passageiras, nominated for the HQMIX 2020 award, as a best independent collective album. He's currently working for a game and app company as a concept artist and on various comics projects as an author and artist. Read More Read Less

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Detección de Puentes Térmicos en una vivienda por medio de Termografía6 % NR
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Mortimer: The Lazy Bird31 % NR
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Detection of Thermal Bridges in a Dwelling by Thermography5 % NR
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Detecção de Pontes Térmicas Numa Casa Por Meio de Termografia5 % NR
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Rilevamento Dei Ponti Termici in Una Casa Mediante Termografia5 % NR
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Aufspüren Von Wärmebrücken in Einem Haus Mit Hilfe Der Thermografie5 % NR
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Détection Des Ponts Thermiques Dans Une Maison Au Moyen de la Thermographie5 % NR
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