Marcia Herrin

Marcia HerrinMarcia Herrin is the founder of the Dartmouth College Eating Disorders Prevention, Education and Treatment

Program, one of the most respected programs of its kind in the nation. She is also the author of the professional

text, "Ntritional Counseling in the Treatment of Eating Disorders" (Brunner-Routledge, 2003). Currently, she runs a

busy private practice specializing in children and adults with weight issues and eating disorders. Dr. Herrin received

her Master's in public health from the University of California at Berkeley, and her doctorate in nutrition education

from Columbia University. A sought-after expert on children with eating problems, Dr. Herrin was featured in a

People magazine cover story on eating disorders on college campuses (which was reported by Nancy Matsumoto),

has appeared on The Today Show and 48 Hours, and has been quoted in The New York Times, Shape Magazine,

and other print media. She has also served as a consultant to a wide variety of public and private universities and

school systems. Nancy Matsumoto is a former staff correspondent for People magazine and a freelance writer. She

writes human-interest news, entertainment, and medical articles, including numerous stories on health, eating

disorders, and body image. She has also been a contributor to Time, Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, and The

New York Times,
among other publications.
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