March Ann Baker

March Ann BakerMarch Ann Baker was the name given to a baby girl born in March, way back in 1961. Her mother taught her to read at age three, and her favorite books were the Little House series. Although March Ann was exposed to the Beachy Amish who were allowed todrive cars and have electricity, she could not believe her eyes when she met the horse-and-buggy Amish. As she grew, she found she had a knack for typing stories and making up plays. She got a big break when the church asked her to rewrite a musical at age fourteen! At twenty, she became a dental assistant, got married, and had a baby girl named Holly. Life took a wonderful turn when her family moved to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, right in the smack middle of Amish Country. March Ann longed to be in their world, but when her family decided to move to South Carolina in 1986, she gave up that dream. After all, Amish folks aren't in the Carolinas are they? As fate would have it, and with a little help from something called the internet, March Ann discovered that there were indeed some Amish/Mennonite churches around and decided she would live an Amish lifestyle. At age fifty-three, she packed up and gave away all of her "worldly" clothing, jewelry and such. She began dressing in long dresses and became convicted of covering her head during prayer. Plain living opened a door for her to really listen to GOD's call on her life. That was when she remembered a dusty old manuscript and the day her daughter said, "Mama, tell me a story, and make me the princess!" The rest is history! March Ann prayed, asking for GOD's help, and voilà, A Mess 'a Miracles, her first book, is dedicated to GOD! Read More Read Less

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Mess 'a Miracles8 % NR
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
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04 Dec 2023
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