Marcel Crok

Marcel CrokMarcel Crok studied physical chemistry in Amsterdam and Leiden after which he became a professional science writer. In 2005 he wrote a lengthy and critical article about the notorious hockey stick graph. That episode was so intriguing that Crok decidd to work full time on climate change. He published a book in Dutch (The State of the Climate, 2010) and in 2013 was involved in the platform Climate Dialogue, a government funded initiative where climate scientists with different views exchanged ideas. After the IPCC AR5 report was published Crok and British scientist Nic Lewis wrote a lengthy report entitled "A Sensitive Matter" for the Global Warming Policy Foundation about how the IPCC dealt with new information on climate sensitivity. In 2019 Crok, together with emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout, created the Clintel Foundation. Clintel's main objective is to generate knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of climate change as well as the effects of climate policy. Clintel published the World Climate Declaration with its central message "there is no climate emergency". Read More Read Less

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