Malick Kane

Malick KaneProf. Malick Kane is the head of the Thermal and Energetic Laboratory (LTE) of the University of Applied Sciences and Engineering, Western of Switzerland (HES-SO//FR). He currently teaches thermodynamics and energy conversion systems in the mechanica engineering department. He first obtained the title of PhD from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in 2001 before joining the National Laboratory of research at Berkeley in California (LBNL) for a PostDoc until 2004. Before being appointed Professor in 2014 at the HES-SO //FR, he benefited from a double professional and academic career allowing him to be in charge of courses at EPFL while capitalizing on more than 10 years of experience in the industry. Malick Kane was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Eneftech Innovation SA (2004-2014). His research includes methodologies and optimization of cogeneration systems, heat pumps, intelligent thermal networks, sustainable buildings and solar air conditioning in tropical environments. Read More Read Less

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