Malachi Walker

Malachi WalkerMalachi Walker lives in Dallas, TX. He is a 13-year old author, speaker, and entrepreneur who is passionate about personal growth, helping others achieve their goals, and serving God with his gifts and talents. He brings an electric atmosphere to hisstages and has a unique ability to connect with his audience, both young and old. After being sidelined with a potentially career-ending condition, Malachi made a choice that changed his life forever. From that choice, THE BOOMERANG EFFECT was born. This kid lives life with a purpose-driven enthusiasm like none other. As a seventh grade homeschooler, Malachi is a dedicated and disciplined student who enjoys football and loves playing for his Select soccer team. He also enjoys spending time with his family, leading at his church, and creating motivational content for his fans, The MalaCrew. He'd love for you to connect with him on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. To Mom and Dad: I could not have gotten a single word on these pages without your help, love and support. Mom, thank you so much for the countless hours you spent guiding, editing, encouraging, supporting and coaching me throughout this process. It was your prayers, patience and selfless love that brought me through those tough times and gave me the insight I needed to make this book so awesome. Dad, you are the man! Thanks for keeping the lights on and letting me borrow space in that little apartment. Read More Read Less

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