Mahmoud Iravani

Mahmoud IravaniMahmoud Iravani has a long standing research interest in neurodegeneration mechanisms in Parkinson's Disease and L-Dopa induced dyskinesia with Peter Jenner at Neurodegenerative Disease Research Centre at King's College London. Most recently at King' College London, in collaboration with Professors Paul Francis and Clive Ballard, he investigated the anti-apoptotic and anti-aggregative role of various agents in the lactacystin model of Parkinson's disease. A second project, which is still ongoing, has involved imaging of the structural changes in the primate brains following MPTP treatment, using MRI at the Institute of Psychiatry.

At the University of Herfordshire his focus will be primarily on Parkinson's disease neuropathology as well as novel treatments for L-dopa induced dyskinesia. Specifically, he will focus on the non-dopaminergic aspects of the parkinsonian pathology and role of inflammation in protein aggregation and the treatment of of l-dopa induced dyskinesia. In the first instance, achieving these goals, will be pursued by collaborating with colleagues at King's College London. In addition, he will be submitting grant applications to identify the mechanisms of PD induced non-motor dysfunction. Read More Read Less

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Translational Approaches to Unravelling Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease7 % NR
Publisher: Elsevier Science
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01 Dec 2023
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