Magdalena Wasiura

Magdalena WasiuraMagdalena WasiuraIt took her thirty-seven years to develop into who she is now, but who she is now is rather tricky to describe. She knows that she was born and raised in Poland, that she went to school and university and that from the age of twenty-hree she travelled and lived in a number of different countries. Quite simply until the age of twenty-three she knew nothing of the world. Her CV is "packed" with jobs: as a journalist, a model, a dancer, a clerk, an assistant for people with challenging behaviour, an extra in films, to name but a few. "I still don't know what is wrong with me. One day, says the author, I'd like to wake up and to paraphrase Jack Dee, the British comedian, say: "I know what is wrong with me. I'm a writer!" Read More Read Less

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Les Berbères et Moi43 % NR
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12 Oct 2014
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