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Mace Brady

Mace BradyMace Brady taught writing and history at the secondary level where he developed a strong desire to personalize history and bring it to life. The book, Caught in the Rush, shows the events that his grandfather encountered while prospecting in the nort. Using his grandfather's diary-one of the most prominently quoted diaries of the Klondike goldrush-Brady tells a story that helps the reader grasp the prospector's adventure.After serving in the US Army, Brady published his first book, Supreme Truth (found on that was based on real events, terrorist attacks in Japan. Throughout his military career, Colonel Brady held multiple positions, such as battalion commander, commandant of US Army Reserve Forces schools and Washington state's emergency preparedness liaison officer.His interest and skill in writing stems from teaching in Washington state's public schools as well as the 6th US Army Area Intelligence School. He is twice retired after 32 years teaching and 30 years in the army reserves. Mace and his wife reside in Seattle's greater metropolitan area Read More Read Less

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