Mac Nicolson

Mac NicolsonMac Nicolson was born and raised on a farm in the middle of Tasmania, was gratefully expelled from boarding school at fourteen and after a series of childhood mystical experiences and with the impending possibility of having to go into the army and kll people for whom he harbored no ill will, left for India when only nineteen. He passed the next five years travelling the long since separated lands of ancient Gondwana - India and South America - searching for answers to the mysteries of existence before returning to Australia to start a community. Mac's time in Australia included a stint as a City Councilor and political activist, a columnist for a local news journal, a snake catcher, a horse breeder and tamer and a forest regenerator but after fifteen years or more and after raising a few children he began to venture back to India and Brazil, until settling in Brazil with his then Brazilian wife. Mac never planned to be a novelist and claims no great ability - he simply had a desire to share the stories that flowed out from a past that had both inspired and haunted him, each of which had first appeared to him in dreams and visions to be then confirmed by chance meetings with shamans, witches, and random fellow travelers. In all of his writings, the author strives to adhere to historical authenticity and many of the characters in his books are based on real people and events, as in The King of The Lochlains and The Sun Dancer, and in the case of his first book, The Asva Sani of Khasi, based on the story of that great Indian epic, The Mahabharata. His fourth book, The Road to Ndawo, recounts a series of stories from the current dream that we call real life and includes the culmination of his inner search along with the karmic tale of his love of a woman. The Road to Ndawo, at times, touches subtly upon his past life memories as they are told within the first three books. His fifth book, Henne's List, is pure fiction that explores in-depth, Mac's life experiences and musings on the mysteries of existence, quantum physics and parallel universes - in a rambling tale that crosses continents and time where characters jump out from the pages of his other books. Mac currently resides in Portugal with his Argentinian partner of five years, Claudia Escobar, a textile artist, and is beginning work on his next book, 'The Secrets of Dona Eiliva', inspired by the story of Claudia's grandmother, a rural town doctor and healer and ardent Peronist who married five times. Read More Read Less

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King of The Lochlains22 % NR
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01 Feb 2022
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Road to Ndawo22 % NR
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01 Feb 2022
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Sun Dancer23 % NR
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01 Feb 2022
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Henne's List19 % NR
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01 Mar 2022
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Asva Sani of Khasi22 % NR
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01 Dec 2021
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