Mac Fleming

Mac FlemingMac Fleming was born in February of 1919, in Schaller, Iowa. The son of a Presbyterian minister, he grew up in Fairview, Oregon. In 1942, he married Ruth--his wife for 72 years--and earned a BS at Oregon State College in agriculture, wildlife managemnt. During World War II, Fleming was an official photographer in the Army Signal Corps and later authored From War to Peace in 1945 Germany (Indiana University Press, 2016) based on that experience. In 1960, Fleming earned an EdD at Indiana University, where he then taught as a professor of instructional systems technology in the School of Education until he retired, in 1984. In his senior years, he took thousands of photos and wrote hundreds of poems. Read More Read Less

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Kropotkin and the Anarchist Intellectual Tradition42 %
Publisher: Pluto Press (UK)
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15 Mar 2016
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