Mac Callaham

Mac CallahamMac Callaham is a Research Ecologist with the USDA Forest Service's Southern Research Station in Athens, Georgia. He has 25 years' experience of working in soil ecology with projects ranging from agroecology to ecotoxicology to grassland and forest rstoration and management. Following graduate school at Kansas State University, he held post-doctoral positions at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2000-01), and with the USDA Forest Service at Clemson University (2001-03). In 2005, Callaham became a Team Leader within the Center for Forest Disturbance Science, a unit of the Forest Service's Southern Research Station In 2005, Callaham was awarded the Southern Research Station Director's Award for Early Career Scientists. Having long been interested in international research, Callaham was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship in 2010 to participate in research in southern Brazil with a focus on restoration of Atlantic rainforest ecosystems. In 2014, he received a Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists appointment from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to instruct a course on soil ecology at the Northeast Institute for Agroecology and Geography in Changchun, China. Callaham serves on the editorial board for Applied Soil Ecology, and had been guest editor for peer-reviewed special issues of the journals Pedobiologia, Applied Soil Ecology and Restoration Ecology. Read More Read Less

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Fundamentals of Soil Ecology38 %
Publisher: Academic Press
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13 Nov 2017
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