M Pinar Menguc

M Pinar MengucProfessor M. Pinar Mengüç PhD received his BS and MS from ODTU/METU in Ankara, Turkey, and his PhD from Purdue University, USA in 1985, all in Mechanical Engineering. He joined the University of Kentucky (UK) in 1985. In 2008 he was chosen as the Engneering Alumni Association Chair Professor; he still carries this Chair title at Emeritus level. He joined Özyegin University, Istanbul in 2009 as the founding Head of Mechanical Engineering. The same year,
he established the Centre for Energy, Environment and Economy (CEEE/EÇEM), which he is still directing.
Mengüç's research areas include radiative transfer, nano-scale transport phenomena, applied optics and sustainable energy applications. His research programs have been funded by more than 60 research projects from several agencies in the US, in Europe and in Turkey. Over the years, he has guided more than 65 MS and PhD students and more than 15 post-docs and visiting researchers. He is the author/co-author of more than 150 archival papers, 220 conference publications, four books, and several book chapters. He is one of the three Editors-in Chief of Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (JQSRT), an Honorary Editorial Member of Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, and an Editor of Physics Open. He holds six patents and has three patent applications.
Mengüç is an elected member of Science Academy of Turkey, a fellow of both ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineering) and ICHMT (International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer), and a Senior Member of OSA (Optical Society of America). His start-up company STI, was presented the R&D100 Award in 2005 based on a particle characterization technique they developed. In 2018, he received the ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award, and in 2020 he was chosen as an Outstanding Mechanical Engineer by the Purdue University School of Mechanical Engineering.
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Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer38 %
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