M M EissaMoustafa M. Eissa is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Helwan, Helwan University, Egypt. (On leave at Sultan Qaboos University, College of Engineering, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Oman). He is a senior meber of the IEEE Power & Energy Society and recipient of Helwan University. He has previously held the position of IEEE Vice Chair. He has been an IEEE HSB Counselor; a Fellow at Calgary University, Canada, 2000; a senior visiting Professor at the University of Tennessee, United States, 2014; Professor fellowship- JSPS FY2017, Japan-Kyoto University; Granted Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual Fellowships European- Institutional Links Grants, Queen University-Ireland, Granted Newton-Mosharafa Fund, 2018, Queen University-Ireland and STDF-Egypt. Professor Eissa has received eight awards including the "State Award of Excellence in the field of Engineering Sciences" from the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (Egypt), 2016/2017; the "University Award of Excellence in the field of Engineering Sciences" in 2016/2017; the IEEE PES "Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award" for outstanding contribution in electric power engineering education, research, and industry, 2017; "State encouragement award" for the advanced technology of science, 2002; "Distinguished Researcher Award" in October, 2005; "Incentive Researcher Award" in 2011; "Incentive Researcher Award" in 2012, awarded as part of the "Program for Continuous Improvement and Qualifying for Accreditation" by the Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt; the "ETRERA 2020 Prize" in the category of smart grids, in 2014 (European award). He has performed research and consultation and has authored many articles in the IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery and the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids as well in other IET, Elsevier, and ETEP journals. He has many large-scale grants in the fields of smart meter-based GIS, microgrids and hybrid RES, hybrid energy efficiency and optimization, WAM-based HVDC control/protection; energy policy making; and DSM- and EMS-based smart grids. He is currently working in innovative technology including i-management, e-energy, i-protection, etc. Read More Read Less