M Guadalupe Rojas

M Guadalupe RojasDr. Rojas' main expertise is in insect nutrition, nutritional ecology and the development of artificialdiets for biological control agents and bait matrixes to control termites and ants. Between 1993 to1998 she developed an artificial diet for the bol weevil parasitoid Catolaccus grandis. Between 1998and 2004, she developed bait matrices for control of the Formosan subterranean termite andhousehold ants, both of which were successfully commercialized by Ensystex and FMC, and still aresold world-wide. This work earned her the USDA-ARS technology transfer award and the FederalLaboratory Consortium regional excellence in technology transfer award in 2004. Since 2004, she hasdeveloped artificial diets for predatory mites and other insect predators and improved susceptibilityof Tenebrio molitor to entomopathogenic nematodes. The work on the in-vivo production ofentomopathogenic nematodes using T. molitor earned her the National Federal laboratory Consortium award of excellence in technology transfer in 2013. Dr. Rojas has produced a total of 99 publications and holds 12 patents, her current responsibilities include principal scientist on 3 different research agreements with 3 different companies including Syngenta Bioline, Kopert, and Monsanto. ". Dr. Rojas recently co-edited the book titled "Mass production of Beneficial Organisms" published in January 2014 by Elsevier. Read More Read Less

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