M C Combs

M C CombsAs a business executive, M. C. Combs owned her own company for fifteen years and then led several other companies in her career. Shortly after retiring, and with a friend's son, a military physician, suffering severely with PTSD, she began trying to elp him after all the usual therapies had failed. She discovered an equine therapy facility with an excellent track record with PTSD victims. Before he could try this very effective program, the depression overcame him, and he took his life. After that event she initiated extensive research into that awful condition and the available resources to help those who suffer with it. She became determined to be a positive force in helping people to understand and find solutions for our service men and woman who suffer with PTSD. A story of 'what might have been' had her friend lived became the first book, Darby, the Horse from HOPE. Now, she is actively working on proactive solutions. This second book, which is a sequel but also a standalone story, presents one type of solution and hopefully greater understanding of the needs of our veterans who suffer with PTSD. Read More Read Less

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Kentucky Environmental Law Handbook49 % NR
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