Lynn P Ronaldi

Lynn P RonaldiThe Rev. Dr. Lynn Ronaldi is an Episcopal priest who was 16th Rector of Pohick Church in the Diocese of Virginia. Recently retired from full-time parish ministry, she was Pohick's first female Rector in its nearly 300-year history. She also served asDean of the Potomac Region, appointed by the Bishop of Virginia.During the time she was researching this book, the author was delighted to learn through genealogist Stephen McCleod, that her own family is descended from Maryland House of Burgesses Representative James Smallwood. In the 17th century, he proposed legislation to legalize Protestantism in Maryland. Through this ancestor she became a Colonial Dame of the Washington DC Chapter.She and her husband Tom live in a mountain home in Jasper Highlands, Tennessee. There she enjoys easy access to their two youngest daughters: a nurse recruiter and a teacher, in Chattanooga. Their oldest is a fellow in vascular surgery at Mayo Clinic. She and Tom live "one mountain over" from Sewanee's School of Theology. A Certified Spiritual Director and CPE Supervisor, Ronaldi participates in the formation of seminarians at Sewanee. She continues to write; provide spiritual direction; and celebrate, preach, and counsel where called.Ronaldi earned her MDiv from St. Mary's Seminary in Houston in 2013. In 2016, she earned a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) from the Sewanee School of Theology. Her doctoral thesis Towards a Spiritual Formation Model of Clinical Pastoral Education created a new approach to clinical pastoral education (CPE), by integrating Benedictine spirituality into the CPE model. Rev. Lynn also holds a BA in Journalism from Ole Miss, and an MBA from The University of Dallas. She is a Board-Certified Chaplain, Pastoral Counselor, and Diplomate CPE Supervisor for CPSP; and IMN certified. In her free time, Ronaldi enjoys time with family; reading and writing about theology and contemplative spirituality; reading fiction and listening to stories; and hiking, needlework, and traveling. Read More Read Less

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Trusting the Inscrutable Ways of Providence25 % NR
Publisher: Lynn P. Ronaldi
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14 Mar 2024
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