Lynda Madden Dahl

Lynda Madden Dahl As described in her first book, Beyond the Winning Streak, while a vice president in the computer industry, Lynda Dahl stumbled onto an astonishing message: Our lives are crafted from the fabric of our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Whatseems to happen to us is caused by us. By changing our beliefs, we literally redesign our lives into what we choose to experience. Having discovered this information, Dahl went on to create a million dollars for herself, gain the freedom to leave her twentyplus year computer industry career, and create the new life she had only dreamed of in the past. Since then, her success as an author and radio host testifies to her ability to create a wonderfully fulfilling life.Dahl is also the author of Ten Thousand Whispers, The Wizards of Consciousness, and The Book of Fallacies, coauthored with her daughter, Cathleen Kaelyn. Read More Read Less

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Book of Fallacies21 % NR
Publisher: Moment Point Press
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01 Oct 1998
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