Lyn Packer

Lyn PackerLyn Packer has many years of experience as a pastor, prophet, and itinerant minister. She is the facilitator of the New Zealand Prophetic Network and a member of the New Zealand Prophetic Council. Lyn also serves on the Global Board of Patricia King' Women in Ministry Network.Lyn's ministry is catalytic, setting people free to follow the call of God on their life. As a speaker and teacher her heart for God and her love for people are very evident, as well as her solid understanding of Scripture. Her prophetic and teaching gifts are expressed through a variety of means from speaking to writing and art. She regularly mentors and trains emerging prophets and prophetic ministers through both her online mentoring groups and in national training schools. Lyn is also an author, speaker and artist. As a galleried artist Lyn's work has appeared in group and solo exhibitions and she runs regular prophetic art workshops. She has written books covering a variety of subject matter - prophecy and revelation, creativity, dance, prayer and two books of prophetic allegories. All these books are available on Lyn and Rob's website as listed below: Read More Read Less

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