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Luther C Guynes

Luther C GuynesDr. Guynes has dedicated over forty-five years to higher education as a Professor, Assistant to the President, Management Consultant, Department Chair, Dean, Vice President and President. He has served as Administrative Dean at Los Angeles City Collee, LA Trade Tech College, Los Angeles Southwest College and Academic Dean at National University. Currently he is the President of the University of Los Angeles College of the Divinity. He also served in the U.S. Marine Corps and was awarded the distinguished Meritorious Mass Award for outstanding service. He was also the founder and President of Management Systems & Technology, Inc. a technology systems engineering and logistics management consulting firm that provided services to industrial and diverse corporate entities. Services included technical reviews and analysis in diagnosing and implementing systems dynamics, control engineering, algorithmic optimigation, computer modeling, application software systems engineering, technical training programs and business logistics. Dr. Guynes also has extensive experience in the electronics industry starting in as an Engineer Checker for Deutsch Electronics in Bannining, CA, and Senior Mechanical Design Engineer at TWR Systems in San Bernardino, CA. As a lecturer Dr. Guynes has made presentations on a variety of subjects ranging from engineering, financial and management related topics at seminars and conferences at institutions, including Claremont Graduate University, Los Angeles City College, and the Business Department of California Polytechnic University, TRW Systems and Deutsch Electronics. Dr. Guynes received his bachelor s degree in Business Administration and Industrial Engineering from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Under the mentorship of Dr. Peter Ferdinand Drucker, he earned his Master s Degree in Economics and Business Statistics and his Ph.D. in Government Finance and Public Administration from Claremont Graduate University, Claremont California. Dr. Peter Drucker considered Dr. Guynes an outstanding student, an accomplished writer, a gifted cooperative colleague and an esteemed professional. Dr. Peter Drucker describes Dr. Guynes as follows: Luther C. Guynes, who finished both his Master s work and his Ph.D. work under me, is probably the ablest administrator I have taught. He has the necessary compassion combined with the necessary toughness. He has insight into people, and yet is task-focused. As he is tactful, firm, pleasant and determined. He has that rare gift of making an organization work for him. Altogether he is one of the few naturals in administration I have met. I consider him qualified for any administrative position in higher education, in government service or in business enterprises . They maintained a meaningful relationship for over twenty-five years until Dr. Drucker s death in November 2005. Dr. Guynes is widely recognized for his expertise in strategic and systems management; organizational development, domestic and international economics; as well as statistics, economics and quantitative analysis. Over his extensive career he has received innumerable honors including the Chancellor s Award and several outstanding professor awards as well. Among his professional affiliations, he has been a member of the American Management Association, the International Business Fraternity, and the Kiwanis organization. Dr. Guynes enjoys playing chess, reading, concerts, discussing philosophy, government and the economy. He is a loving and devoted father to his six children, nine grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Read More Read Less

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Peter Drucker's System of Management in a Business Environment29 %
Publisher: Pyramid Press
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01 May 2019
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