Lulu WangLulu Wang is currently a Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Shenzhen Technology University in China. She received the M.E. (First class Hons.) and Ph.D. degrees from the Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, in 2009 and 203, respectively. From 2013 to 2015, she was a Research Fellow with the Institute of Biomedical Technologies, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. In June 2015, Dr Wang became an Associate Professor of biomedical engineering with the Hefei University of Technology. In June 2019, she became a Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Shenzhen Technology University. In 2020 May, she became the director of the Biomedical Device Innovation Center at Shenzhen Technology University. Her research interests include medical devices, electromagnetic sensing and imaging, and computational mechanics. Over the past five years, Dr Wang has authored more than 70 peer-reviewed publications, 2 ASME books, 6 book chapters, and 4 issued patents. Dr Wang is a member of ASME, IEEE, MRSNZ, AAAS, PSNZ, and IPENZ. She is an active reviewer of numerous journals, books, and conferences. She has edited three books and two special issues of international journals. She has received multiple National and International Awards from various professional societies and organizations. She is an active topic/track organizer of several international conferences include ASME IMECE, ICCES. Read More Read Less