Lucas Augusto Meyer

Lucas Augusto MeyerLucas A. Meyer is a seasoned professional in the field of Artificial Intelligence with a deep expertise in natural language processing (NLP) and a focus on leveraging large language models (LLMs) to address societal challenges. Since 2016, he has bee at the forefront of AI innovation, utilizing advanced technologies such as OpenAI's GPT to solve critical issues and drive meaningful impact. With degrees in Computer Science, Financial Economics, and an MBA from the University of Washington in Seattle, Lucas seamlessly bridges the gap between technical innovation and real-world applications, emphasizing the economic and societal benefits of technology. His unique blend of technical and financial expertise allows him to approach AI projects with a comprehensive understanding of both the technical landscape and their broader implications. Currently, Lucas is part of Microsoft's AI for Good Lab, where he focuses on developing AI-driven solutions for sustainability and historical preservation. His previous experience includes working on AI and Machine Learning applications for fraud detection at Amazon and optimizing treasury functions at Microsoft Treasury. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: O'Reilly Media
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29 Apr 2025
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