Luc Jallot

Luc JallotLuc Jallot, archaeologist, is Maitre de conferences at the University Paul-Valery Montpellier 3 (UMR 5140 " Archeologie des Societes mediterraneennes "). His researches focus on settlement organisation and dynamics, on material culture, on anthropomophic art and on the relationship between societies and environment at the end of the Neolithic in Southern France. Since the end of the 1990s he has been involved in several research projects on Neolithic earthen architecture. He has also worked in Eastern Africa and, more recently, on Neolithic and Copper Age contexts in Morocco. Alessandro Peinetti, geoarchaeologist, PhD (University Paul-Valery Montpellier 3, UMR 5140 " Archeologie des Societes mediterraneennes ", Universita di Bologna) is an independent researcher. His researches focus on the formation processes of the archaeological record, on the built environment, on earthen architecture and on the organisation of settlements and activity areas documented by the analysis of soils and archeological sediments through micromorphology. He is especially involved in research into Neolithic and Bronze Age villages in Italy and Southern France. Read More Read Less

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