Lovan Sands

Lovan SandsProphetess Dr. Lovan Sands is supported in her ministry by her son, who serves as her assistant Pastor. Her daughter is presently completing her education in Jamaica. Originally from Jamaica, Prophetess Sands now resides in the Bahamas, where she hasenjoyed 12 fruitful years of marriage to Apostle Elvin Sands. Together, they pastor Chosen Vessels International, a ministry they have led for 5 impactful years. With over 16 years of unwavering commitment to Christ, Prophetess Sands holds certifications as a Life Coach, Christian Counselor, and a certified Prison Chaplain, all earned from the esteemed Heart Bible Institute University.Driven by her thirst for knowledge and spiritual growth, Prophetess Sands has pursued further education at various universities. She obtained her Doctor of Divinity degree from the Heart Bible Institute University and completed her Associate Degree in Biblical Studies at North Carolina Theological Seminary. Additionally, she is a Certified Mental Health Coach from the Heart Bible Institute University and holds certification as a cosmetologist from the National Vocational College in Jamaica. As a dynamic preacher, teacher, and prophetic vessel, she demonstrates profound proficiency in the prophetic ministry and is highly effective in deliverance.Countless lives have been transformed through Prophetess Sands' ministry, as she remains dedicated to seeking the heart of God. Her guiding motto is rooted in Hebrews 11:6 - "Without faith, it is impossible to please God."Prophetess Sands also extends her ministry through digital platforms. "Matters of the Heart," a relationship focused platform Facebook.com/DrLovanSands Live sessions every Tuesday at 7:00 PM EST. "Morning Inspirations" Facebook.com/ChoosenVesselsIntl, Monday - Friday at 6:00 AM EST. Read More Read Less

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