Louise M Lawson

Louise M LawsonEntering the world in an unconventional way, Louise remained unconventional from that moment onwards. Having her spine irreversibly damaged by forceps during her entry into this time-space reality, she has spent a lifetime overcoming the resultant metal and physical challenges. Adopted into a family where the love of comedy and Nature were paramount, she couldn't help but be someone with a unique outlook on life. Louise has a PhD in Biological Science and imparted her infectious curiosity for life processes to her students for 13 years at University. Spiritual teachers Echart Tolle, Abraham-Hicks, and Sadhguru, along with the writings of the Hermetic Philosophers have coalesced with Scientific understanding to bring Louise a holistic view of existence. Mother of two gifted children, spouse to Aspie partners, chef, author, mentor, stand-up comedian, cartoonist, grandmother, friend. Louise lives her life to the full, as she knows that things are meant to work out, and happiness is our innate condition. Read More Read Less

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