Lori Brown Mirabal

Lori Brown MirabalLori Brown Mirabal (Ed.D.) as an opera singer, Dr. Lori Brown Mirabal has sung with legendary opera and music theater luminaries. While performing, Mirabal has taught Vocal Pedagogy at New Jersey City University (2006-2010), and she has been a primar school music teacher and choral director at a private School in NewJersey (2010-present).Dr. Mirabal received professional training in theater and voice at the University ofMemphis, Manhattan School of Music, and the Juilliard Opera Center. Additionally, she earned a masters and doctorate in Music Education at Columbia University'sTeachers College. While at TC, Mirabal established Opera Soup Productions, LLC, to introduce children to opera. "From Soul Singing to Opera Soup," releasedin 2017, marked her debut as a published children's book author. Her children'srecording, "Musetta's Musical Story Time" debuted internationally in 2019.The Story of the Pigs is Mirabal's fi rst collaboration with Camathories. Workingwith the Camathories team has been an enriching experience, for which she ismost grateful. Read More Read Less

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