Loren E Brereton

Loren E BreretonLOREN E. BRERETON was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1961. She is a retired elementary school teacher. As an only child of two working parents, her maternal aunt reared her. Aunt Cynthia read books in a way that no one else in the world could! A neigborhood "lending library" was set up in her home when a double shipment of books was received and the company allowed them to keep the second shipment. Loren and her childhood best friend, Lorraine, would repeatedly read their two favorite books on her front porch during the summertime. To this day, Loren has both books. She loved visiting the two neighborhood libraries that she could walk to, to read there and borrow books to take home. In elementary school, reading and writing were her favorite subjects. Loren has most of her books from her childhood that she has read to her children and now is reading to her grandchildren. It brings her great peace and comfort. Reading takes you anywhere you want to go. Read More Read Less

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