Lois Ibiene Tarikabor

Lois Ibiene TarikaborLois Ibiene Tarikabor is a 24-year-old lady who comes from Southern Nigeria with a bachelor's degree in International Law and Diplomacy and a post-graduate diploma in Communications from Canada.Her works in the communications field speak strongly forher as she has authored one book, is a two-time publisher of her own lifestyle magazine, was once a national paper columnist in her country of nationality and has been a lifestyle blogger and writer for 6 years and counting. Her personality revolves around her faith in a very positive light. She is a joy-giver, believes strongly in faith, a go-getter who is thriving and one that doesn't give up easily.This guide is a reflection of her pursuit in Christ and understanding of her Christian life that she was led to document and now share to the world as her contribution to the Kingdom. Read More Read Less

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