Loek Cleophas

Loek CleophasLoek Cleophas is an assistant professor in the Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) section at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and a research fellow at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. He obtained his doctorate in computer scienceand engineering at TU/e. His work in MDSE has varied from model-driven virtualization of high-tech systems, to generating efficient algorithm toolkits based on algorithm taxonomies. More recent work focuses on analyzing large collections of models and extracting variability and commonality information from them. His research in algorithm engineering and algorithm comparison focuses on pattern matching and finite automata for processing text and tree-shaped data. He worked in industry in the Netherlands and the USA, and at universities in South Africa, Sweden, and Germany, on research funded by various national and international projects as well as by industrial partners. He is also managing director of the Dutch research school on programming and algorithmics (IPA). Read More Read Less

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