Liz Zorab

Liz ZorabLiz Zorab is the author of the bestseller Grounded: A Gardener's Journey to Abundance and Self-Sufficiency. She spent more than 20 years working with specialist housing charities and in community development, with an emphasi on innovative volunteering practices. An award-winning gardener, she gained an RHS Silver Medal for a community-led garden featured on BBC's 'Gardeners World Live' in 2002. A health crisis led Liz to turn to her life-long passion for gardening and growing food as a career. Liz spent several years transforming her 0.8-acre plot in Monmouthshire into an abundant smallholding. She is now regenerating a tired, over-grazed 4.5-acre site using permaculture practices. On less than an acre, she grows most of the food and drink her family enjoys each year, giving them food security, resilience and increased self-reliance. She enjoys spending time with Mr J (her husband) and her family, watching rugby and creative handicrafts, and has a distinct dislike of housework. Liz regularly writes for Permaculture Magazine, teaches gardening and self-sufficiency skills and encourages thousands of people to take up their trowels and live their dreams through a vibrant YouTube Channel, Liz Zorab - Byther Farm. Read More Read Less

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The Seasoned Gardener32 % NR
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31 May 2023
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