Lisabeth Alice Reynolds

Lisabeth Alice ReynoldsNature poetry, a children's nature book about the animals of the Amazon jungle, a novel on spiritual awakening form the body of Lisabeth's written work. A professional caring clown, journal writing instructor and lecturer, Lisabeth loves visiting theFlorida Everglades early in the morning. The sunrises, mists, unique tropical plants, birds and wildlife breathe life into her poetry. Her first book Everglades Sunrise helped to support Friends of the Everglades founded by Everglades advocate/author Marjory Stoneman Douglas. She enjoys meeting people who care about the environment and is a nature enthusiast like her grandfather, Harris Pete Reynolds. the founder of the New England Forestry Foundation (https: // A member of Phi Beta Kappa, Lisabeth graduated from Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY. She resides in Boynton Beach and Lee, MA, two magnificent settings where she creates and thrives. Connect with Lisabeth at Read More Read Less

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