Lisa Outlaw

Lisa OutlawProphetess Lisa Outlaw, was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She received the Holy Ghost at the age of 14 years and was called into the ministry at a very early age. On January 27, 1997, Evangelist Outlaw, met her husband Elder Tony Outaw, and they married the following year on November 20, 1998, at the Upper Room, in Raleigh, North Carolina: They have 2 children. In April 1999, Evangelist Lisa Outlaw accepted her call to ministry, under the dynamic leadership of Bishop Dr. Patrick L. Wooden, Sr. She is a very active citizen for the Kingdom of God and is also the founder of Missions2Nations, which is a nonprofit organization focused on promoting Jesus Christ throughout the world. In 2004, she received her diploma in Biblical studies with cum laude honors. Prophetess Outlaw loves God first, her family, and her church. She is known for preaching the gospel with power and authority, living a lifestyle of holiness, and as a dedicated Women of God. Read More Read Less

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