Lisa Johnson Mandell

Lisa Johnson MandellLisa Johnson Mandell is the author of the tongue-in-cheek How to Snare a Millionaire (St. Martin's Press) and countless dating articles for women's magazines, she is an award-winning journalist who has appeared on news and talk shows inluding Dr. Phil, Inside Edition, Montel, CNBC and many others. Her work has been featured in The London Times, The New York Times, Mademoiselle, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal on the AP wire service and on myriad internet news services. She has been a popular lecturer at Learning Annex classes, where she entertains students with encouraging accounts of love and dating, and is a frequently quoted as an expert by various media sources throughout the world. Lisa also appears on "The Millionaire Matchmaker" and has most recently spoken on CNN, Rachael Ray, Fox News, Backstage with Barry Nolan, Australian national television and Telemundo (she speaks fluent Spanish). Her Hollywood insider blog, known as 'In Hollywood with Lisa Johnson' can be found on, and her own personal website, LisaLiveInHollywood, has attracted amazing traffic since it's launch. She can be heard daily giving syndicated entertainment and lifestyle reports on radio stations in major markets throughout the US. Read More Read Less

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