Lisa D Dance

Lisa D DanceLisa D. Dance's path into the user experience field started when she was 9 years old and told her mother she wouldn't shop at a particular store anymore because of how they treated their customers. Ever since then she's studied customer interactions nd strategized ways to improve them for both customers and businesses.Today, Lisa D. Dance helps organizations create online and offline experiences that don't frustrate or harm people. As a User Experience Research Consultant/Founder at ServiceEase, her work spans UX Research and Strategy to Interactive Prototyping and Usability Testing. Lisa has worked with enterprise organizations like Indeed and Genworth Financial, whose website won 17 national and international awards overa two-year period.Lisa earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Marketing, and an Interaction Design Certificate. She is a contributor to CMSWire and a frequent public speaker and workshop facilitator on topics related to User Experience, Customer Experience, Ethical Research & Design, and Technology's Impact on People. In 2019, she created the "3Q Do No Harm Framework" to helpteams identify and mitigate potential harms of technology before launch. Read More Read Less

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