Lindsey Elizabeth Day

Lindsey Elizabeth DayLindsey Elizabeth Day was taught how to meditate at the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi School of Transcendental Meditation in Kent over 25 years ago. The Transcendental Method involves repeating spiritualized sounds, or mantras, from the ancient Sanskrit Langage of India, to calm the mind so that spiritual advancement can be attained. After the author had repeated the seed sound of the third eye chakra very many times divine energy, which is stored in the base/root charka, rose up her central light column and exited from her crown chakra as a spectacular fountain of Light. She has had a heightened level of awareness of the World of Light ever since. In her previous book, ATLANTIS: AS BELOW SO ABOVE, A SPIRITUAL ODYSSEY, she disclosed that her connection with crystals began during past lives in Atlantis and Ancient Egypt. All the knowledge that is in that book, as well as in CRYSTAL MYSTICISM, was revealed to her whilst she was meditating. Read More Read Less

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Crystal Mysticism25 % NR
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01 Jan 2023
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Atlantis: As Below So Above18 % NR
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12 Oct 2021
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