Linda Lee Henderson

Linda Lee HendersonLinda Henderson grew up in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, where she developed a love of reading and raced go-karts and built tree houses with her three brothers. She received her master's degree in education from the College of William and Mary and taght elementary school in Biloxi and Columbus, Mississippi, before moving to Bangkok, Thailand, where she taught in the International School; then she taught and worked as an administrator in the International Schools of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Caracas, Venezuela. After returning stateside, Linda switched career paths and has worked in real estate for thirty years. Linda's love and devotion to her family has always been her first priority. When she finally recognized her son was addicted to prescription drugs she felt compelled to share her story about the unraveling of his life. After moving to Hilton Head, South Carolina, she took on the task of trying to make sense of how and why this happened. When she is not writing, selling real estate, or doing crafts with her granddaughters, Linda pretends to be good at tennis and golf and enjoys many new friendships. Read More Read Less

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Wake Up, Mom!23 % NR
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20 Aug 2021
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Wake Up, Mom!12 % NR
Publisher: Koehler Books
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