Linda Goggin

Linda GogginLinda Goggin MD, affectionately known as Sunny to those around her, considers putting the "fun" into Functional Medicine her prime objective. While everyone else is giving advice on "what" to do, Sunny wants to help people with the "how." Staring out as a hospital volunteer, then as a nurse's aide, then as a registered nurse, Dr. Goggin went to medical school at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Today, Dr. Goggin hones her ability to motivate and guide daily by attempting to subtly manipulate her husband and three kids, as well as caring for patients at Bellingham Functional Medicine, where she collaborates with Functional Nutritionist powerhouse and author Tom Malterre, MS, CN. She is also the owner and medical director of Ideal Health Bellingham, which provides medical weight loss guidance and primary care. Dr. Goggin created the first Direct Primary Care Practice in Bellingham, Washington, where she remains passionate about empowering clients to claim their health vision and race toward it with wild abandon. Read More Read Less

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