Linda Cox Gibson

Linda Cox GibsonLinda Cox Gibson, received her BSN from Baylor University and an MSN in Nurse Anesthesia from Drexel University of Philadelphia. She married John Gibson, M.D., and moved to Thailand in 1985 where she administered anesthesia in a remote mission hospitl (and other hospitals and clinics) for nearly twenty years. She is the mother of Kimberly Dawn and Kaitlyn Diane who grew up in rural Thailand and are fluent in Thai language. She served with her husband under the International Mission Board of the SBC. Singing scripture is her favorite way to memorize God's Word and hide it in her heart. Now retired from clinical practice of 40 years, Linda and her husband, John, currently reside in a rain forest in the most northern province of Thailand, with a view of the mountains and green rice fields. Read More Read Less

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Songs of Deliverance, Faith Journey of an American Nurse to ThailandNR
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Songs of Deliverance, Faith Journey of an American Nurse in ThailandNR
Publisher: Tell the Kids
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01 Jun 2023
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