Liliana PonceLiliana Ponce (1950) is a poet and scholar of Japanese literature and writing. She holds a degree in literature from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and has published five books of poetry in Argentina: Trama continua (Corregidor, 1976), whic was awarded Primer Premio del Fondo Nacional de las Artes; Composición (Ultimo Reino, 1984); Teoría de la voz y el sueño (tsé-tsé, 2001); Fudekara (tsé-tsé, 2008); and Paseante y huésped (Club Hem, 2016). Her most recent publications are the chapbook, Poiesis para reunir discursos partidos (Urania, 2019), as well as a volume of selected poems, Mi jardín salvaje (Univ. Eafit, 2020). Her poems, essays, and translations of Japanese poetry and drama have appeared widely in both Argentinian and international literary journals, and her work has been selected for inclusion in numerous anthologies, including Antología de la poesía argentina (Casa de las Américas, 1999), Poesía erótica argentina (Manantial, 2002), Antología de poetas argentinas 1940-1950 (Ediciones del Dock, 2006), and 200 años de poesía argentina (Alfaguara, 2010). In addition to her English translations, her work has been previously translated into French and was included in Voix d'Argentine (Le Temps des cerises, 2009). Read More Read Less