Lia Miliou

Lia MiliouLia Miliou was born in Serres, Greece. She graduated top of her class in Greek Philology, with a specialisation in Classics (Ancient Greek and Latin), at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She holds a Master's Degree in Ancient Greek Philology with a thesis on Homeric Epic and Lyric Poetry (Kleos in the Homeric Epic and the Lyric Poetry). She has been tutoring students in Ancient and Modern Greek since 2012. She is also in charge of the English part of website and social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram), whereas she is an editor of Greek and English texts and a translator of texts from Greek into English and vice versa. She is a charter member of the Union for the Elevation and the Diffusion of the Greek Language (U.E.D.G.L.) in 2008 and she has been secretary of this Union, as well as an editor and member of the Editorial Board of its journal Λόγοι ἐν Σέρραις (Words in Serres), since 2014. She has attended both internal and international academic conferences and seminars, whereas she has participated as a speaker in a seminar organised by U.E.D.G.L., with a discourse titled: Δηιάνειρα, Μήδεια, Παπαδιαμάντεια Σεραϊνώ τρεῖς διαφορετικὲς στάσεις ζωῆς = Deianeira, Medea, and Papadiamantis' Seraino: three different life choices and she was the translator of Kyriakos Georgiadis' speech Ὁ Ἀγῶνας τῶν Ἑλλήνων τὸ ᾿21 καὶ ἡ Ἐκκλησία τους = The Struggle of the Greeks in 1821 and Their Church on 23 March 2019 in Portland, Oregon. Read More Read Less

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