Leslie Vicary

Leslie VicaryLeslie Vicary is a wife, mom and dog-mom. As a Christian author, she's loved for her charming ability to find what's funny and what's true in everyday life. When she's not navigating after-school car lines like a boss, Leslie prides herself on being he most middle-aged suburbanite on any dance floor. Leslie is a product of the American South, boasting an enviable lineage of cotton pickers, coalminers, and Mary Kay ladies. She graduated from the University of Alabama with a degree in communication and a minor in theatre, which has proven to be predictably useless. Roll Tide. Leslie lives with her husband Jeff, her daughter Eden, and her dogs Sugarbell, Sunflower, and Clover near Greenville, South Carolina, where they attend New Spring Church--not the dogs, just the people. This is her first book, but it won't be her last because it's a series. Read More Read Less

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God Loves You as Much as You Love Your DogNR
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02 Dec 2022
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