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Leslie Feast

Leslie FeastLeslie Feast was raised in a small country town. He was a dreamer most of his life and found it hard to find where he fitted in. He left school at 15 and then went back later to finish his higher education. After years of struggle, he is now an autho, spiritual teacher, medium and healer who walked away from pursuing success in his material life in 2003 and began a spiritual existence and vocation. He has been connecting souls to find their true essence and divine guidance and God's Angels ever since. This journey began for him in 1974 when he saw a golden light of love engulf him when he went to a Christening Service at St George's Cathedral in Perth, Western Australia, and knew it was from God, or something greater than himself. Upon feeling this love, he sensed it was calling him to service.
It took many years of trying to feel the same experience again, and it was after years of religious instruction in the Anglican Church and then in a spiritualist one that he developed his hidden gifts and became a healer and clairvoyant.
He was mentored by a female spiritualist minister, a lady of strong principles, who advised, You do not play with psychic development as if it was a game and must take your connection with the afterlife and the spirit world seriously.
For now, he has developed his healing and mediumship abilities to the extent that he is well-regarded internationally. He resides in Australia and goes quietly about his work in connecting souls to angels with the desire and intention of helping people find their pathway to God.
It was during those years he was transitioning from his material pursuits that he lost everything financially, having owned two businesses and later his employment in real estate and to driving trucks and the odd farm work. However, to finish the job in his working life and to add to his fall from grace, he watched as his love partner fell in love with another. With this universal dump complete, he, feeling all was lost, then somehow ended up in India. He had travelled there from a vision he received of Sri Sathya Sai Baba calling him to attend his ashram.
Before he arrived, he had hurt his right foot, later to be diagnosed as broken, but had travelled thinking it was only bruised and so was then stuck in a Third World country and further humbled before God. Feeling broken and in total despair, he had nothing but to take the next breath and then, after days of suffering, in the darkness of early morning, a huge light appeared in his room and the energy announced its name as Michael who had come to be of service to him. He then asked permission if Leslie would accept him as his brother in light and love to guide him. He agreed!
So the connection from this divine archangel began and the channellings of years and years of discourses began. Naturally, it is noted, he was thinking he was going crazy; he did, however, accept, and so the communication from this source of love and light began. In the years that followed, he has been able to write numerous spiritual books for all to read. Life from that event has changed Leslie forever and he totally trusts his divine guidance and has faith in his employer, God, who will provide all his wants and needs. He, therefore, wants to bring this message to everyone and inspire them as it has for him. Note however, Leslie wants you to know that just finding God does not take away the challenges of being real in this life. So be in the world but not of it is a saying he often remarks. So, the journey goes on. Never give up!
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