Leonard V Kalkwarf

Leonard V Kalkwarf" Leonard V. Kalkwarf, known to his friends as Len, began his hobby of studying presidential history seriously when he retired. Since 2006, he and his wife, Beverly, have visited all thirteen presidential libraries and have also visited one or more hstorical sites associated with each of the former forty-three presidents. Len has an in-house television program regarding the presidents in the retirement community of two thousand residents where he and Beverly live, in northern Virginia. He presents the program four times a year. He regularly gives lectures on past presidents to the community's History Forum. Since January 2010, he has been a White House volunteer in the Presidential Correspondence Department. An ordained minister in the Reformed Church in America, Len was a parish minister and served congregations for more than fifty years in New York, Pennsylvania, and Kuwait. He was elected and served as president of the General Synod of his denomination. He earned a doctorate from Princeton and received an honorary doctorate from Central College in Pella, Iowa, his alma mater. He is listed in Who's Who in America. Beverly, his wife of sixty-one years, is a registered nurse who worked in a local hospital for forty years in specialty areas and who also served as a parish nurse. She is a quilter and a collector of ceramic pigs. Len and Beverly live in Springfield, Virginia, and spend their summers at their cottage in Readfield, Maine." Read More Read Less

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