Lee Gold

Lee GoldLee Gold grew up in a home with lots of bookshelves. There was Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm and Oz. There was the Iliad for children and the Odyssey for children. There were the Shakespeare plays, and there were stories about the Shkespeare plays. There was the Greek myths, and there were the Norse myths. There was a Jewish Bible. There was Kipling's Just So Stories and Jungle Books for children and his Plain Tales from the Hills not for children. And every week or two there was a trip to the library and library books to take home.. The summer after Lee graduated sixth grade there was a trip to Canada, and on the ferry to Vancouver Island, she bought an SF magazine. And after that she kept on buying used Fantasy and SF books and magazines and getting them in the library. She also collected Kipling's books and Cabell's Poictesme books. Her other favorite authors in no particular order include Tolkien, Bujold, Kage Baker, Sharon Lee's & Steve Miller's Liaden books, Heinlein's books up through The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, and Asimov's books up through The Gods Themselves. One day she read Eddisson's The Worm Ouroboros, which referred to Njal's Saga, so she bought a modern English translation of it and fell in love with its terse language and bloody plot; she bought a lot of other modern translations of other Norse sagas. In the mid-1960s Lee and several other wonderful SF readers met at the UCLA Book Store and talked for hours. They founded The Third Foundation science fiction club, which met regularly each month. They attended Westercon XX (1967) and the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, where Lee met Barry Gold. They eventually became part of the filking community, writing lyrics about their favorite subject matters and singing the resulting songs at science fiction conventions. Lee got an M.A. in English Literature from UCLA, but left academia and teaching English 1 (Exposition) for even odder jobs. Lee Gold started playing Original D&D in 1975 and started Alarums and Excursions, her roleplaying game amateur press association, a few months later. She's written several professional roleplaying games, two about Japan, one generic. In 1990, after getting over three shelf-feet of books on Norse myths, stories, and history, she created the RPG VIKINGS. Nowadays Lee Gold edits two fanzines: Alarums & Excursions: https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alarums_and_Excursions: a monthly roleplaying game amateur press associationXenofilkia: https: //conchord.org/xeno/: a filk fanzine Read More Read Less

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