Lee Couch

Lee CouchLee Couch is Principal Lecturer of Biology, also at the University of New Mexico (UNM). She has taught Introductory Biology, Microbiology, Parasitology, and Tropical Biology. Lee also is the Coordinator of the Microbiology Culture Center and Microbioogy Labs for the Deptartment of Biology at UNM and focuses her teaching on Microbiology for the Health Sciences. She is the author of two lab manuals: Biology for the Health Sciences and Microbiology for the Health Sciences. She is a past president of the Southwestern Association of Parasitologists and was the Chair for the American Society of Parasitologists Education Committee for 5 years. Her current research interests are in the analysis of the parasite loads of various species of wild animals from Africa, Japan, Europe, Russia, Alaska and Central and South America. In addition, Lee is a Volunteer Firefighter and Nationally Registered Advanced EMT (NRAEMT) working for her local Sandoval County Fire Department and the NM Medical Reserve Corps. Read More Read Less

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