Lavelle Parratt Holmes

Lavelle Parratt HolmesLaVelle Holmes had a curiosity about who God is. She attended a church, but it did not satisfy her. When she found the one that answered her questions to her satisfaction, she joined it. She studied the bible and other scriptures. Teaching what she hs and continues to learn is one of her most rewarding activities. She loves sharing glad tidings to all she meets. She has spoken in many meetings to help others increase their faith as they meet life challenges. She has served in many church positions. LaVelle has a passion for seeking out her own, her husband's, John, ancestors. She has been involved in politics on a local level. She was born in California, raised in south eastern Washington, and has resided in Utah for sixty years. She now resides in Logan, Utah. She studied at the University of Utah, owned her own ladies apparel store, and helped her husband in his business. She and her late husband, John, have nine children, thirty-two grandchildren and twenty-six great-grandchildren. Read More Read Less

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Oh, Our Fair OnesNR
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23 Nov 2021
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