Lauren M McGrath

Lauren M McGrathHi EVERBODY !!! I am a Retired National Park Interpretive Ranger (Boston National Historical Park = BNHP, 1997-2011) due to my dis ABILITIES. I wrote this story a long time ago as a pre-visit for the BOSTON students who participated in a program calld If Buildings Could Speak which ended with a fun puppet show. ( my puppet was Leo the lion the heaviest) In 2013, my fellow alumnus LINDSAY LUI (a scholar at Boston University) was killed while running the Boston FREEDOM Marathon. Th is tragically served as the inspiration to revive this story so her family would have a memento yet I was unsuccessful. 5 years later, I have NOT given up on my DREAM. Th is version NOT only HONORS her but Native Americans, African Americans, Women, the BRAVE VISIONARY minute men and ALL service persons and dogs. Th ey were (and are) willing to lose EVERYTHING for my RIGHTS. NOW this story illuminates the IMPORTANCE of keeping OUR WORLD WATER ways and PLANET CLEAN. REUSE, RECYCLE and SPEAK OUT and thanks for sharing. Read More Read Less

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