Laura Grandau

Laura GrandauLaura Grandau, PhD, has worked in STEM education for 25 years in schools, museums, libraries, and nature centers, emphasizing curiosity and play as central
components of learning. She is adjunct faculty at Erikson Institute as well as a teaher educator, researcher, and classroom teacher with expertise in teaching and learning math and science. Formerly, she served as manager of education programs at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago and senior program developer for Erikson Institute's Early Math Collaborative. Laura has worked extensively coaching preservice and in-service teachers and supporting curriculum and instructional planning with school leadership teams. She is a contributing author of Growing Mathematical Minds: Conversations Between Developmental Psychologists and Early Childhood Teachers (Routledge, 2019), and her work has also been published in numerous journals, including Teaching Children Mathematics, Cognition and Instruction, and Harvard Educational Review. Read More Read Less

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