Lars ThestrupLars Thestrup, MD. was born and raised in North-ern Virginia, where he attended Mary Washington College and earned his BS in biology. He received his MD at the Medical College of Virginia and completed his emergency medicine residency at Johns Hopkin. Lars then completed his fellowship in North Carolina, focusing on emergency medical services and disaster preparedness at the Carolinas Medical Center. Shortly after the completion of his fellowship, Lars accepted a position with the City of Houston, Texas as an assistant medical director to the Houston Fire Department. He completed an Integrative Medicine fellow-ship at the University of Arizona. He currently practices in several hospitals in the City of Houston. He resides in Houston with his wife, Heather, and two kids. Dr. Jennifer Pfleghaar was born and raised in Erie, Pennsylvania. She completed her undergraduate pro-gram at Kent State University with a BS in zoology/pre-med and went back to her hometown for medical school at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Pfleghaar completed a 2-year fellowship in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. She works in local community emergency rooms around Toledo, Ohio. Dr. Pfleghaar is the owner of PflegMed: Center for Integrative Medicine and Natural Aesthetics and Perrysburg Yoga where she sees patients and teaches yoga. She lives in Toledo with her husband, Chip, and four children. They enjoy making gluten/dairy-free desserts together and chasing after their backyard chickens. Connor Martin was born in San Diego, California to parents Jeff and Mikki Martin, founders of The Brand X Method, an internationally recognized youth strength and conditioning program. He grew up steeped in the fitness world and is fondly referred to as the "crash test dummy." He is also widely known within the functional fitness community as the original kid participating in this style of exercise. Connor spent his first few adult years as a seminar staff member for CrossFit Inc., teaching the Level 1, Level 2, and CrossFit Kids Seminars to aspiring CrossFit trainers. At the age of 24, Connor moved his young family to Houston, Texas and assumed the head coaching position at CrossFit EaDo, and later also CrossFit Central Houston. Connor is now a lead coach at P3 CrossFit, owns an online fitness company, Compete Elite, and is the International Training Center coordinator for The Brand X Method. He resides in Houston with his fiancé Michelle and their three children. Read More Read Less