Lars DanielLars Daniel is a digital forensics examiner at Guardian Digital Forensics. Lars is an EnCase Certified Examiner (EnCE), an AccessData Certified Examiner (ACE), an AccessData Certified Mobile Examiner (AME) a Certified Telecommunications Network Specilist (CTNS), Certified Wireless Analyst (CWA), a Certified Internet Protocol Telecommunications Specialist (CIPTS), and a Certified Telecommunications Analyst (CTA). He spoke at the largest annual digital forensics conference, the Computer Enterprise and Investigations Conference (CEIC), in 2011 and 2013, and at the EnFuse conference in 2016. Lars has qualified as an expert witness and testified in both state and federal court, qualifying as a digital forensics expert, computer forensics expert, a cell phone forensics expert, a video forensics expert, and a photo forensics expert. He has attended over 300 hours of forensic training and has worked on over 600 cases involving murder, child pornography, terrorism, rape, kidnapping, intellectual property, fraud, wrongful death, employee wrongdoing and insurance losses among numerous other types of cases. Lars is the co-author of the book Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals: Understanding Digital Evidence from the Warrant to the Courtroom, published by Syngess, an imprint of Elsevier Publishing. He has extensive experience in both civil and criminal defense cases. He provides Continuing Legal Education (CLE) training classes for attorneys across the United States. Read More Read Less